
TG- 2 Basic Coil Tattoo Machine kit, 2 Colors , 20 Needles

Original price was: ₹15,500.00.Current price is: ₹12,500.00.

Kit Box (M)-1pc,Basic Coil Machine (8 RAP Copper Winded Coil Fitted in Alloy Frame )-2pcs, Gizmo Binary Power Supply (Tattoo Gizmo Brand)-1pc, Colour 1 1oz (Red, Green) Skin-Ink / Dynamic Brand-2pcs, Tattoo Gizmo Blacky Black 1oz-1pc, Thick A4 Practice Skin TG-2pcs, A & D Pouch-5pcs, Gizmo Stencil Gel 1oz-1pc, Tattoo Tracing Thermal Papers -2pcs, Grip Aluminum Screw -2pcs, Steel Tips-4pcs, Needles Assorted Size 5 Each-20pcs, Foot Switch Flat Steel Kit-1pc, Clip Cord to connect the machine-1pc, Heal -It 50 ML – Skin Cleaner While Making a Tattoo-1pc, Ink Trey (S)-1pc, Gloves-4pcs, Disposable Table Sheets-2pcs, Ink Cups + L key-1pc.

Product price: 12,500.00
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The Kit includes 2 Basic Copper Winded 8 Rap Coil Based Machines, Both Machines are tuned as Common Machines.

Tattoo Gizmo Branded Binary Power Supply Possibility to connect 2-machines simultaneously, choose the machine by pressing one button. (Very comfortable when using different cords like RCA and Clip cord).

This kit has everything you need to start Making tattoos, 3 Inks, 20 Needles along with other accessories required to start making tattoos.

It’s the lowest cost quality kit from Tattoo Gizmo.

Specially designed for aspiring artists who have a creative imagination and want to try their skills in the tattoo industry.

TG2BC-2 Basic Coils Tattoo Machine Kit,3 Inks, Tattoo Gizmo 2 Star Quality Certified

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